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Attorney Leonard C. Heath Jr. Applies to be President of Virginia State Bar


Longtime volunteer and leader of the Virginia State Bar, Attorney Heath of Heath, Old & Verser PLC has been practicing law since 1986 and has already served two terms on the Virginia State Bar Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Board. Since 2011, he has represented Newport News on the Bar Council and also serves on the Virginia State Bar Executive Committee.

Heath reports that he consulted with members of the Bar Council and the Executive Committee regarding whether to run for President, noting that no one he spoke to had heard of anyone else interested in the position. Should he run unopposed, Heath would be elected by acclamation at the Bar’s 2017 meeting. As it is, he would not take office until 2018 if elected.

Challengers for the position will have until 1 October 2016 to file a petition along with at least 50 signatures from the bar. In this case, an election the following month would decide the issue.

Given his term would not begin for some time if his bid is successful, Heath stated he had no specific agenda for his potential presidency. At the same time, he reported that he would be paying close attention to recommendations made by the Virginia State Bar’s Future of Law Practice Study Committee.

“I think that that is very important,” Heath opined.

Heath, Old & Verser, PLC serves a wide range of clients in Newport News with a variety of legal matters. Contact the firm for a confidential consultation today!
